Bemix R50


High-performance, fibre reinforced, shrinkage compensating, thixotropic repair concrete for repairs in concrete where there is a requirement for high performance and durability. Can be used on vertical surfaces without the need for formwork. For repairs to balconies, bridges, quays and other concrete structures. Intended for layers 5-50 mm thick.

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Product data

Article number:



20 kg  á 48 bags/ palette

Product category

Repair mortar


Processable minutes


Compression strength


Layer thickness in mm


Consumption kg/m2/mm


Water quantity litres/20 kg


1 kg dry mortar = finished concrete in litres





The concrete substrate must be clean and free of dust, damaged concrete, grease or other contaminants that may impair
adhesion. Substrate with a roughened and raw surface with closely spaced irregularities provide better adhesion. Clean the
substrate carefully and if possible pre-water 24 hours before casting. Remove free water just before casting.


R50 is mixed for at least 5 minutes to a lump-free mass. The mixing takes place with a concrete mixer. Vary the water content
according to the desired consistency. However, no more water than is specified in the technical data. The concrete mass
must have a temperature of approx. 20 °C. Compensate cold dry use with warm water and vice versa.

Application advice:

The mortar is best applied with a steel trowel or trowel in layers up to 50 mm. The surface can then be felted or smoothed to
achieve the desired surface structure.

After treatment:

Semi-hardened material can be adjusted with a trowel. Free and unprotected surfaces are protected immediately after casting so that shrinkage and dehydration cracks do not occur. After casting, the surface can be moisture-cured with a thin, light mist of
water, but that cannot mechanically damage the mortar. At air temperatures above 5°C, curing may take place with remaining
form, covering or supply of water and may last the entire first week. As soon as the surface hardens, it can be watered and

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