Bemix Snigeldynamit 20 kg


Snigeldynamit is used indoors, outdoors or underwater for soundless, dust-free and vibration-free splitting of stone, rock and concrete. With Snigeldynamit damage to neighbouring objects and buildings, which can easily occur with conventional blasting, is avoided.

Product data

Article Number:



20 kg

Product group




Explosion strength

80 MPa


10 minutes

Explosion time

Normally < 24 h

Drill diameter

30-40 mm

Drill depth

> 300 mm


Drilling holes:

Because Snigeldynamit expands at right angles to the drill hole, try to drill as parallel to the exposed surface as possible. The gives the greatest possible splitting.


Mix with 2.0–2.2 dl water/kg Snigeldynamit®. Use a fast mixer and mix for 2-4 minutes into an even mix. Use cold water if the temperature on the object to be split exceeds 20°C. If the temperature on the object to be split is under 10°C use water at 20°C. Always mix the powder into the water. If the stone or rock has too high a temperature when injecting, the mix may spurt up out of the drill holes. The risk of this increases with larger drill hole diameters. Therefor never stay above the filled drill holes. Leftover mix should be destroyed by mixing with five times as much water as powder. Must not be stored in vessels made of glass or porcelain or together with flammable material. Waste must be disposed of as building waste according to the directions of the authorities. Because of the fire risk, Snigeldynamit must not under any circumstances be put into rubbish bins or similar that contain flammable material, because flammable material may be ignited.

Filling the drill holes:

When the Snigeldynamit is ready, the drill holes should be immediately filled completely, because the mix is only workable for a short time.

Keep the temperature right while you wait:
You must be exact with the temperature to prevent a blow-out when the mix spurts up out of the holes. This could happen if the rock or stone is at too high a temperature when the holes are filled or if the mix itself is too warm. The risk of a blow-out also increases if the drill hole diameter is more than 40 mm or with diamond-drilled holes in concrete. To minimise the risk of a blow-out, cover the drill holes with wet sacking or similar and keep these wet for 24 hours.

Expansion and splitting:

Splitting is normally complete after approximately 24 hours. How long it takes depends on the structure and temperature of the object being split. In rock for example it may take several days before complete splitting has occurred.